Healthy Weight and Physical Activity

There are several aspects that go into maintaining healthy weight. This includes proper nutrition, optimal sleep, being physically active, and participating in activities that encourage stress reduction. 

To maintain a healthy weight, it is important that you discuss with your doctor how you can create a health plan that fits you.

Please use the resources below to assist with your nutrition/ physical activity goals:

The amount of physical activity you need is dependent on your age. As we age our bodies require different portion sizes, and specific types of physical activity that feel comfortable for our age group.

Below you will find tips and information that encourage healthy behaviors:

Are you struggling to maintain a healthy weight and be physically active? Try some of the activities below to increase physical activity and mental health.

  • Control stress levels by practicing breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga you can use online resources such as YouTube or contact your local recreation sites
  • Utilize free or low-cost programs such as applications on your mobile device, health education materials, or events your local recreation center may hold
  • Make exercising a social time by asking friends, family, or coworkers to join in
  • Try to do a variety of exercises every week such as muscle-strengthening, moderate, and vigorous
  • Develop a schedule and set timers to remind yourself of your goals
  • Plan out your grocery list and meals ahead of time to avoid non-balanced meals

Questions about MemorialCare Select Health Plan?

Call Us at (855) 367-7747